Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Great News!!!

Marc and I had wonderful news today; the PET scan he had yesterday revealed no evidence of tumor growth! That means that, so far, the chemotherapy and radiation therapy are working. Marc says "I still have a monster on my back but now the outlook seems better." What a wonderful feeling it was to hear the news.

Overall everything is going well. Marc continues to go to speech therapy twice a week and his speech seems to improve every day. He still has some trouble expressing what he wants to say but I can see improvement every day. He is keeping busy doing things around the house and catching up on chores that needed to be done. The other day he said that his to do list just keeps getting longer.

We had a nice visit over the weekend from Marc's sister, younger brother, next to oldest brother and his wife. It was good to see them but the visit went by much to fast. It was wonderful to hear Marc and his siblings reminisce about old times.

On Sunday we celebrated our son, Steve's birthday and had a good time visiting with the kids and playing with the grandchildren. We look forward to seeing the grandchildren every weekend, they are such a joy!

Enough for now, I'll post more next week.


Neal & Hope said...

That is absolutely WONDERFUL news. Neal agrees that the visit was to short but was well worth the time to be there. As always our thoughts, prayers and love to all. Neal, Hope and Kids.

Diane said...

That's awesome! You're on the road to recovery!

sillyrobb said...

what great news! glad you all had a great visit wish I could have been there. i'm looking forward to the next budge + 1 reunion. maybe we can talk trudy into coming. love u guys. silly & doug

Leon said...

Marc, that is great news my friend. Won't be long and you'll be 100% back. I keep you in my prayers and look forward to a rum & coke later this summer. See when it's warmer, Leon.

Leon said...

I forgot to mention that after my computer crashed. (yet again), I had to retype everyones email address in my hand. Somehow, I fat fingered your address (you know I can't type) I finally figured out what was wrong and got it corrected. (actually, I spilt my beer on the list and it smudged the print alittle) Anyway, I got it back so be looking for wise and witty emails from me.. take care and heal up, Leon