Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Done at last!!!!!

Radiation is done & what a relief it is!

Marc had no idea that the kids would be there and had a wonderful surprise when they arrived with posters in hand to congratulate him. Thirty-three treatments in all. The biggest surprise was when leaving after his treatment last Thursday the staff told Marc that "tomorrow will be your last treatment." We were under the impression that Tuesday, February 10th would be the last treatment, so we were quite shocked. Just to realize that it was nearly over was very emotional to say the least.

Marc had so much swelling all over his body and the mask would leave a webbed impression on his face after the treatment was completed. He said he didn't think that he could have managed any more of the treatments. He has gained 50 pounds in the last 4 weeks. His feet, ankles and legs are so swollen that his skin weeps . We have gone through all his socks, cutting them at the top so we can even get them on. That is a production in itself, it takes both of us just to get the socks pulled up. We went shopping tonight for some wider shoes and more socks. He said he didn't realize how much just squeezing into his shoes hurt his feet until he tried on the wider ones. It is very uncomfortable for Marc as the skin is very sensitive and it hurts to just touch his feet. I honestly don't know how he manages to even walk. The doctors all agree that the swelling is caused by the high doses of steroids he has been on to prevent edema in the brain at the site of the irradiation and say that once he finishes the steroids the swelling should resolve. We are slowly weaning him from the steroids but it will take another week before he is off them. The Dr. has also put him on some strong diuretics to try to help lessen the fluid buildup, but so far it doesn't seem to have helped much.

In some of the pictures, you will see a bell on the wall with a framed poem hanging next to it. After the last treatment the patient rings the bell 3 times symbolizing the diagnosis, the treatment and the new beginning. As Marc rang the bell I read the poem and managed to get about halfway through before I started crying. The other pictures are of Steve, Julie, Brayden, Annie, Abbie, Marc and I and of Marc being congratulated by the staff. The staff and other patients almost become a second family and there were many tears shed as Marc rang the bell.

The next step will start on March 2nd when we go back to MD Anderson for a followup MRI, a visit with the Dr. and to start the clinical trial. In the meantime, I will post weekly to let you know of Marc's progress and hopeful weight loss! Please continue to pray for Marc's full recovery.


Mastertech said...

We will most definitely keep praying for Marc..GREAT job on completing this phase of the the treatment.


sillyrobb said...

Our prayers all always with you. So happy this part is over and you can start healing. Love you Lots Silly

Leon said...

Let the healing begin!! Take it slow and easy, Leon

Jill said...

Hey, I am just now catching up ....this is terrific....I know you are glad this part is behind you ....we love you guys and as always you remain in our prayers....your sis Jill and Byron