Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Home again!

After a long day yesterday we made it home about 8pm. It is so good to be home again. The neurologist told Marc last evening that he saw no reason he couldn't go home but that he would need to be discharged by the hospitalist who admitted him. She had made rounds early yesterday morning and was not scheduled to be back in until this morning. Marc was infuriated that he would have to spend another night in the hospital; so I asked the nurse to page her. She called back in and talked to the nurse, to me and again to the nurse and gave orders for Marc to be released. I am so glad, as I don't know how Marc would have managed another night in the hospital.

Marc had the repeat MRI yesterday morning. We didn't get the results until the neurologist came in about 6pm. There is basically no change since the last MRI. However it is difficult to really tell as the MRIs were done at different sites, using different techniques. The report indicated a small, 17mm mass just behind the initial tumor site. Taken by itself, the news would be discouraging but comparing it to the MRIs done at MD Anderson the news was encouraging. The mass on the March 6th MRI measured 25mm and on March 30th it measured 22mm. We think that the mass is smaller; but what we know for sure is it has not gotten larger!

Marc has had no seizures for the last 3 days. The focal seizures were almost continuous for 3 days from admission. That in itself is enough to cause issues. Marc again has lingering effects from the seizures; his speech has suffered and he has right sided weakness, especially in the arm and hand. The weakness is worse than it was when he was diagnosed last October. The speech is also bad, but not quite as bad as it was when he was initially diagnosed. He gets stuck on words, for example when he tries to say something it come out as "we can walk" and then he just continues repeating "walk, walk, walk, walk" or "win" or "water", etc. It is a guessing game most of the time to figure out what he is trying to tell me and I am not very good at guessing, which tends to frustrate Marc even more. We have speech therapy and physical therapy evaluations scheduled tomorrow and will follow their recommendations for further therapies.

An old friend stopped by this afternoon to see Marc. He was touched and thrilled to have a visitor. I know he gets tired of listening to and looking at me and it was good for him to see someone else for a change. Please feel free to stop by to see Marc, it means a lot to him.

Marc is very frustrated and I cannot begin to imagine how he feels. I cannot empathize but I can understand his anger and frustration. I just have to keep asking myself "How would I feel if I couldn't express myself or do the things that I normally do?" It is difficult for both of us but we will manage. Your prayers and support are very important to us.


Priscilla Robb said...

Just keep chugging along even though it's a slow train as you will make it through all of this. Wish I lived closer so I could stop by and drive you crazy with my talking. You would probably throw something at me to shut me up. Love you Lots and will keep you in our prayers as always. Love Silly & Doug

Jill said...

Great,that you are home again, it is always good to be in your own surroundings...and where it is quieter....hospitals are not known for being quiet!!!! Stay strong , yes, if Thelma alias Pris was there she would talk your ear off....HEEEEE!!! We love you all and we keep you in our prayers...Love your sis Jill and Byron