Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Rehab fiasco

Well after haggling back and forth over the weekend, all day Monday and Tuesday morning; we decided to stay at the original facility. I was starting to feel uncomfortable with the pushiness of the other facility and every time I talked to them they would say something to the effect, "I worked there for 15 years and I am so glad I came here; they just don't do a good job there." I just don't think that it is good business practice to put down the competitor and it certainly is not ethical. I spoke to patients in this facility and they are all very happy with the care and say that they are especially happy with the therapy departments. I was told by one patient that "you shouldn't have come in on a weekend, the weekend staff only work weekends and don't usually know how everything works". Then she told me that the progress they have make with her in the therapy department is remarkable and that she couldn't be happier with the results. She said "they work you hard but it's worth it!" I asked Marc to make the final decision as to whether to change facilities and he opted to stay here.

I am very impressed with the therapy staff: occupational, physical and speech. They focus primarily on neurological problems and are very experienced. I especially liked the way they encouraged Marc when he really didn't want to continue. The nursing staff has come around and are very attentive to Marc now. I guess being the squeaky wheel helped some.

I am discouraged with Marc as he doesn't seem to have the drive that he has always had. It concerns me a great deal. I just think he is so tired of being sick that he would just rather lie in bed than get up and try to do anything. That just isn't Marc! If any of you out there have any ideas on how to perk him up I would appreciate any and all suggestions. I left today for about 4 hours, ran some errands, got a haircut and had lunch with an old friend. I think it was good for Marc not to have me hovering while he was in therapy. I am hoping that he will try a little harder if I am not there. I am going to go back to work on Thursday, so he will be here without anyone but the staff to watch over him during the day. I will continue to spend the nights here, so I will at least be with him a few hours every day. I think it also did me some good to get away for a while but I just can't help worrying about him while I am away. Care giving to a loved one is so difficult, it is so hard to be objective and you second guess all of your decisions. Marc was my rock and now I have to make decisions that may effect the outcome of this illness. I pray every day that I make the right decisions. I want more than anything for Marc to pull through this hurdle and not have any more obstacles.

I did talk to the Dr. here this afternoon and told him I would really like a full evaluation to figure out just why Marc is having the respiratory issues as he has never had any in the past. He is scheduled for a sleep study on July 1st and the staff pulmonologist will be evaluating him prior to that. I just hope they can figure out the cause of this last episode. We don't go back to MD Anderson until July 27 and 28 and will not have another MRI until the 27th. I pray that the MRI remains clear.

Thank all of you for your comments to the blog and the encouraging e-mails. I will try to post more later in the week.


Jill said...

Hey, Marc....hang in there ....we know you can overcome this little bump in the road.....Neal and I are planning to come see you next week....we will let you know exactly when....he and I both have had phsical therapy and know what it is sort of like...if you remember...I had to have speech therapy in grade school.....and look at me now....heeeee...they can't shut me up.....so we will see you soon........we love you all your Sis Jill

Julie Budge said...


You are making the right decisions no matter how hard they are. Have faith and confidence in yourself and let others help you. You have to keep yourself strong too! I will bring the girls tomorrow to give PaPa a smile. We love you more than we can say in words!


Priscilla Robb said...

Marc, you better straighten up before I have to come down there and take a stick to you, remember I have done it before and my Mom won't be sending me to bed without any supper this time. Love you and hate that you have to go thru this but hang in there we got lots of living and things to do so snap out of it. Things could be alot worse. Love you forever. Silly

Adriana and Ben's Updates said...

I'm so glad to hear that the rehab staff is being attentive to my good friend! I'm so glad to hear that there's a sleep study in the works. Keep me informed!

Mastertech said...

Hey, Marc.....Keep your chin up and keep fighting buddy.
You have allot of friends who think about you, and pray for you daily.

Leon said...

Marc, I have known you a long time and your no quitter. I know your tired but you can't give up. Keep fighting, your going to beat this thing. May God Bless you all and give you strength. Leon