The top picture is the "Pecker Cane" that Steve's family gave Marc for Christmas. The cane is made from the reproductive organ of a bull, has an eagle handle, has 2 Indian head nickels embedded into the cane, a label indicating the cane's origin and a label with Marc's name on it. The picture on the bottom is of Marc and a buddy he met at radiation. They both enjoy clowning around. Marc is wearing his "hair hat" that the kids gave him for Christmas (our granddaughter Abbie has a matching hat with blond hair). Marc's buddy had been telling Marc that he needed to wear a hat to keep his head warm, so Marc surprised him by wearing the hat. The staff at the clinic loved it.
Marc seems to be doing better this week. He has a little more energy and has been puttering around in the garage and yard some. His speech improves some every day. It is still difficult for him to express what he wants to. Speech therapy is helping a lot. The appointment at the neurologist today was encouraging and the neurologist seemed to think that because of the recent improvement the speech would continue to come easier. He explained that Marc would just have to relearn all of the language skills that had previously come easily.
The radiation is going smoothly and Marc no longer has to take the sedative to lie there with the mask on for the treatment. The staff plays music during the treatment which Marc says helps a lot.
We had a wonderful Christmas with our family and enjoyed watching the kids on Christmas morning. Marc and I feel truly Blessed to have the wonderful family and friends that we have. Everyone has been so supportive, we can't ask for more!
Happy New Year to all and I will post more later in the week.