Today was a frustrating day for Marc. His Dr. was in first thing this morning and told him that he was doing so well that he could be moved from ICU to the step-down unit so that he could still be monitored but get up and around more and even walk in the hallways. He was excited about getting out of this room! The problem was they didn't have any available beds so as of 9 p.m. he is still in ICU.
Today he got up and put on his sweat pants and T-shirt, walked around the room, then the halls with PT and then decided that he needed to wash his hair and get it trimmed around the surgery site. The sink in ICU is like one in an airplane, he bent over and with a little help from Marcia got his hair washed. Then Marcia trimmed his hair so the 'comb-over' effect was gone.
He has had a great nurse the last 2 days, she would change his dressing and personalize it. The first said "This is my brain on drugs. Any questions?" and the one after the shampoo and trim said "Bull's Eye" with an oval marking around the length of the incision. She had comebacks as fast as Marc could give them out. She came in once when Marc was taking off his heart monitor and BP cuff and asked him where he thought he was going; when he told her that he was going to walk out to the lobby she firmly reminded him that he was still in ICU. She did however, concede and walked with him so he could walk Steve, Julie and Marcia to the elevator.
He has now been up for over 15 hours and when Marcia asked if he was ready to go to bed he said no. Stay tuned for more tomorrow.
You are all in our prayers. I am glad to hear that things seem to be going well. Please holler if y'all need anything. Becky Courington
Marc it looks like you would have had more room if you had used the toliet! Anyway we LOVE you lots and our prayers are with you all. Will keep in touch. Don't over do and get too cocky with the nurses. Remember they have ways to make you holler. Love you Silly & Doug
Marc, love the hair stylist you are using. Don't let the nurses get the best of you.
Just as a positive note, I have been living with pituitary tumor since 2002. It was shrunk and controlled with medication.
Let me know if you need anything...like a double cheese burger with japalenos and jumbo fries.....
Things are sounding good Marc, hopefully you will be in your own private room soon...take care Bud.
I bet you feel more human now after getting a great trim and wash.....I am like Pris...the toilet would have been easier....just insert and flush....your looking handsome as always....your loving sis ....I will check on you later ...got to go to work...bye...Jill
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