We are home, and settling into life as it is now, day by day. We have begun the adventure into the medical maze. It seems no matter how much you know about the system, you are still at a loss when you are thrown into it from this angle. I spent 4 hours on the phone just scheduling appointments with the doctors, physical therapy and speech therapy . We spent 3 hours at the Social Security office just finalizing the disability applications that had been previously completed on line. There is no normal now. We have everything written down on a calendar so we know when, where and what time to go to the next appointment. We are both a little overwhelmed but we are making it.
Marc has not lost his since of humor. When Annie, our 3 1/2 year old granddaughter asked him what was wrong and why he was in the hospital his reply was "I have brain damage". A little sick humor there. I am sure that Annie has gone to day care and told her friends and teachers that her Papa is brain damaged!
Thank you all for your prayers, calls and e-mails, they are both needed and appreciated. I will update the Blog again later this week.