Well after two very very long days at MD Anderson we got good news. The latest MRI shows "no" new tumor growth! The Dr. said that he was petty sure what they saw with the last MRI was caused by the inflammation from the radiation and that the area of concern is smaller. So --- if it is tumor, it is shrinking and the chemo is working; if it is not tumor, the inflammation is improving. Either way it is good news. So the plan is to continue the chemotherapy just as we are, one week on and one week off and get another MRI in 2 months. Marc gets really tired during the week of chemo but perks up the week he is off . His blood work results have been good so far and as long as the blood tests come back good the chemo will remain the same.
The Dr. told us today that Marc had a long road ahead of him and there may be a lot of ups and downs. He also said that he felt good that the test results looked so good. We know it will be tough but we are in it for the long haul. With your prayers and support we know that Marc will ultimately have a good outcome and will "beat the beast".
Marc has plans to replace all of the windows in the house and at the same time put up hardy plank siding on all of the areas on the house that are not brick. He has big plans and I have no doubt that he will 'Git er done!' as he never leaves a project unfinished.
Great news. I'm at Jill's and we have all been waiting to hear how you are doing. What great news. We all wish you more and more good news. Love you lots. Cousin Silly
That's great news...keep fighting, you're gonna beat this crap.
Hey! This is great news.......we are so glad.....and continue to keep you in our prayers....so it sounds like you "Marc" are planning to be very busy with alot of house upgrades etc...that is great....we are fighting with you...keep up the good work we love you and give everyone a big hug Your Sis Jill and Byron PS Cousin Pris....is keeping me up until wee hours of the AM....!!!!
WOW!! What fantastic news. Sounds like Marc's fighting spirit and can-do attitude is going to be the big winner here!!
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