Sunday, July 26, 2009

MRI results lead to new treatment plan

We finally got the MRI results. Overall, compared to the last MRI done at MD Anderson, the MRI shows a little improvement, the area they have been watching is slightly smaller. That said, Marc's oncologist wants Marc to start IV chemotherapy. He will receive the chemo every two weeks. Because the MRI cannot rule out new tumor growth (the only way to do that is surgery which is not an option at this point) and there are new areas of inflammation the oncologist wants to start Marc on the 'Big Gun" treatment protocol. The drug used is called Avastin. It is used for many other types of tumor but has shown some success with glioblastoma. The major side effects of the drug are bleeding and/or clotting, and the other listed side effects include but are not limited to: dry mouth, cough, voice changes, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, mouth sores, nausea and headache. I just hope that Marc is able to tolerate the medication without any significant problems.

Marc will need a portacath insertion for the chemotherapy administration, however there is a waiting list for this procedure so we don't know when he will have that done. In the meantime, the dosage will be given through a regular IV. I just hope the IV team is as good as everything else at MDA is.

The good thing with the Avastin, it decreases inflammation so we will be able to decrease the steroid dosage some. Due to the severe problems that Marc has had each time the steroids were discontinued I am going to insist that we find the lowest possible dose to keep Marc on and not discontinue them. Decreasing the steroids should help some with the insomnia. I am praying it does because neither Marc, or me for that matter, just don't function well on 1 to 3 hours of sleep a night. I am going to try to start back to work again the first part of August and need to have adequate rest to perform my job duties. My work has been so good to me but I just cannot continue to be off work. I have put my coworkers in a bind by not being able to be at work when scheduled and it is not fair to them. I have contacted a home care agency and contracted with them to have a companion come to the house to stay with Marc while I am working. The problem is that it is very expensive, so I can't afford full-time home care. Steve is going to stay one day a week with Marc as he can work at home and can do his work from our home.

Marc continues to have the diffuse abdominal pain. His primary provider wants him to have a surgical consult but doesn't think surgery is a good option. The other problem is that with the new chemotherapy, surgical procedures are contraindicated for 28 days after receiving the Avastin.

I will continue to update the bog and let you all know how Marc tolerates the new treatment. Please continue to keep Marc in your prayers.


Jill said...

Marc, we are with you in our prayers and thoughts..... keep up your strong will & strength... ..everyone is pulling for you.....lots of love and hugs....your sis Jill

Unknown said...

Your MRI results sound pretty good!! Now, if your tummy pain would just go away!!
I have a friend that has taken Avastin, without many side effects. Hopefully you will be the same. I've heard a lot of good, relating to it.
The 'port' was a pretty simple procedure, when Irvin got his. They sent out a home health person, to show me how to change & clean the area, every week.

I'm sooo glad things are looking up. Now, just get some well deserved

I think about y'all every day!!!



Priscilla Robb said...

marc, your on my mind every day & hoping u do well with the new treatment. will continue praying for you & your family. stay strong always. love silly