Friday, November 14, 2008

Second post-op day

Marc had a better night last night, a little restless but much better than the night before, or so I am told. Steve insisted that I go home last night to try to sleep and he stayed with Marc. I went home about 11 and returned about 5:30 and slept like a rock!

Today has been a better day. Marc has gotten up into the chair twice and is still sitting up after dinner tonight. He seems a little surprised that he hasn't progressed as quickly as he did with the first surgery and is disappointed that he isn't doing more. I think he has make remarkable progress. He is having more pain than he had with the last surgery but again, this was a much more extensive surgery. The pain is improving and is generally controlled with oral medications now. He is hoping to walk in the hall tomorrow and still would like to get home as soon as possible. Hopefully we will get home on Sunday, the sooner the better!

More tomorrow . . .


Jill said...

My goodness.....Marc you are doing remarkably great....I know it is the pits wearing those gowns....they are not very say the least....but I am sure you will be up and walking those halls before you know it.....I am glad too, Marcia, that you got some rest....that is also very important,hope you both get much more needed rest tonight...thinking of you both and in our prayers....Love your sis Jill

Priscilla Robb said...

Boy Marc, you and your fashion statements. Love your new do. So glad your doing better, just don't do too much to fast. Wish I was there to give you all a big hug. Our thought & prayers are with you all. Love cousin Silly