Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Went to MD Anderson today

We went to MD Anderson today and what an impressive place! They are very organized and efficient. Marc was seen first by the nurse, then the fellow and then the MD (who is the head of the neuro/oncology department). They reviewed Marc's records, MRI/CT films and pathology slides. The diagnosis was confirmed and they agreed with the treatment plan as set up by our local oncologist and radiation oncologist. They also said that because the tumor is a very fast growing type, they would recommend further treatment after the standard treatment is completed. They urged us to consider entering a clinical trial, for which he is eligible. It is a trial using the standard chemotherapy in increased dosages either alone or combined with other medications, including thalamide, accutane and celebrex. There are eight combinations of the drugs that are being studied. The protocol that he will be placed under will be selected by computer. By using the combinations of medications they are hoping to arrest further growth of the tumor by basically cutting off the blood supply to the tumor. The participation is voluntary. I think that we will probably enter the trial. It would start by repeating an MRI 3 weeks after the standard treatment is completed, then placing him on the protocol selected by the computer. The medications are all oral so we would only have to drive into Houston once every 4 weeks for evaluation. We would be able to have the blood tests drawn locally and they would coordinate the care with our local physicians.

Marc doesn't really want to have to drive into Houston but since the appointments would be monthly rather than daily, he is leaning toward going for the treatment. Today the traffic was terrible. I don't think it is the drive that bothers him as much as it is me driving! He has turned into a great backseat driver. The decision is ultimately Marc's but I told him I want us to celebrate our 50th anniversary, plus many more after that, and that I would like him to do everything possible to beat this! That means he needs to stick around another 19 plus years! So I am encouraging him to participate in the studies.

We start the radiation and chemotherapy next week so I will be adding to the blog then. In the meantime, Marc and I would like to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.


Jill said...

Glad to hear that you found MD Anderson a well organized and it is impressive....Marc, I encourage you to follow the Dr's expert advice and knowledge....I agree, the traffic would scare me .... I find the traffic here quite impossible some days...but it is nothing like Houston's...but once a month, wouldn't be too bad....right...and yes, we all want to celebrate with you both...and pray and hold you in our arms .....we wish you guys and the kids a GREAT THANKSGIVING....enjoy that turkey and all the other goodies....Much love....Your Sis Jill and Byron

Priscilla Robb said...

We wish you all a very HAPPY TURKEY DAY. Well I think you are lucky to be in a place that has lots of wonderful doctors and even though you might have to go to Houston and have Marcia drive. Just as a little prayer before you start each trip. Life goes so fast any more that all these treatments will be over before you know it and you will be good as new. Love you lots. Don't eat too much turkey. Love Doug & Silly

Neal & Hope said...

Glad to hear treatment is set and ready to finally start. We All have a lot to be thankful for this THANKSGIVING. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs and love from all, Hope, Neal, Elektra and Jimmy.

Unknown said...

Marc and Marcia,

Good news from MD Anderson, that is a special place and is run by special people. It's nice to have a plan of attack against this beast. I want you both to know you and your family will be included in my Thanksgiving prayers tomorrow as I'm especially thankful you're still here.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Benita aka Flirty