Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The MRI...

Sunday mid-day the MRI was done. That evening the Neurosurgeon came by to let us know what was going on. The news was not good; Marc has two tumors, one on the left side of his brain and one on his pituitary gland. The one on his left side of his brain appeared malignant and surgery needed to be done as soon as possible. The tumor is the size of a golf ball and is in an area that affects speech, memory, emotion, and some mild right side weakness. Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday.

In the meantime, they started him on steroids to beef him up and help shrink the tumor. He laid restless in bed, down for the first time in his life and not happy about it to say the least! Always the kidder, all of the nurses left the room with smiles on their faces and laughing as Marc teased and joked with them.

The steroids seemed to really help as his speech improved some and he definitely had more energy. On Monday, he was able to get out of bed for a good portion of the day to get some pressure off the back(side)!

A restless night sleep was ahead while waiting for the surgery...

1 comment:

Neal & Hope said...

Finally, someone else in the family that has medical proof of dain bramage. Look forward to talking to you soon. Don't worry, the Frankenstein look wont last forever.