Thursday, December 11, 2008

The CT Mask

We went to the "trial run" today for the radiation therapy. We thought that the pictures would help express how claustrophobic the mask makes Marc feel. The pictures displayed are: positioning Marc on the CT table, placing the mask and securing it to the table for the radiation treatment and a post-treatment picture showing the mesh indentations on Marc's face.

He did well today for the trial run. He was a little anxious at first but settled down and was able to tolerate the entire procedure without difficulty. We go back every weekday now for 7 weeks (with the exception of holidays). Tomorrow will be the true test as the treatments will last 20 minutes, that's a long time to lie there with that Mask on his face. Marc is strong and determined so I have no doubt that he will make it through the treatments without further problems.

I'll post more next week after a few treatments . . .

(Click on photos to enlarge)

1 comment:

sillyrobb said...

Merry Christmas Santa, The mask looks kind of like the mask they use for sword fighting. Your tough and just think happy thoughts when you are having your treatments. We love you and our prayers are with you. Love ya all Silly & Doug