Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One step forward, two steps back . . .

Well, we really thought that Marc was doing better since coming home last Wednesday evening. Friday night he started having some left leg pain and swelling. He didn't show any signs suggestive of a blood clot and had no difficulty breathing, the pain improved with rest, moist heat and Aleve. The last 2 days he seemed to have more energy, his leg was feeling better but still bothered him some. We tried to get into the Dr. yesterday but there were no openings so we went in this morning. The Dr. examined him and thought the pain was probably musculoskeletal and not anything more serious but ordered venous doppler studies to rule out a blood clot as the cause of the pain. Long story short, the doppler study indicated a very large clot extending from the groin to the lower leg. We were sent to the ER and Marc had a CT scan of the lungs which showed multiple pulmonary emboli (blood clots in the lungs). That made the situation much more serious requiring treatment with an IV anticoagulant and frequent monitoring of the blood clotting levels. Although he had had no more seizures, his dilantin (anti-seizure medication) level was also very low again requiring IV medication to get his levels up to a therapeutic range. At least we are not in ICU, just the IMU. It isn't quite as noisy here and maybe Marc can get some rest. The nursing staff here is excellent and we have the same night nurse we had last week.

Marc now has very few veins to choose from for IVs or blood draws as they have been 'used up' the last 6 weeks. He needed the heparin as well as the dilantin and they couldn't be given through the same line. In order to assure a good IV access in case of an emergency, easy access to blood draws and multiple ports in which to administer the medications the Dr. suggested placement of a central IV line. She got the line inserted without difficulty and an Xray confirmed proper placement of the line. They were able to D/C the peripheral IV line and start giving the medications in the central line. Marc is finally resting some.

Because of the blood clots, Marc has been placed on total bedrest. That in itself is very frustrating to Marc as he usually will get up in the night and walk. He is discouraged that he is back in the hospital and I can tell it is very difficult for him. Fortunately he is accepting the treatment and realizes the seriousness of the situation. We are hoping the stay will not be too long and that he recovers quickly.

Please continue to keep Marc in your prayers. I will try to keep the blog updated daily.


Mike Hardin said...

Hang in there Marc, things have got to get better!


Jill said...

Thinking of you and keep up your stiff upper lip.....we are thinking of you and keep you in our prayers.....it is cold up here in the north....and we have snow on the ground brrrr.....so I think of you guys in the South....even tho you had some snow...it is not in the teens or below...thank goodness....love you all very much and hold you in our arms and give you all a great big hug....your Sis Jill and Byron

Neal & Hope said...

Know that we continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Neal says that you are to stubborn and hard headed not to beat this. Keep the faith. Love to all, Hope & Neal.

sillyrobb said...

marc, what a bummer. just be strong and hang in there. things will be better soon. love u lots. i've hit the big time. sending this to u on my phone. take care. cousin silly

Mastertech said...

Marc, hangin there bud.
Marcia, Thank You for taking time to keep all of us updated about Marc, I know you must have a lot on your mind and be very busy, so THANK YOU!