Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We're home again

Here is a photo of Marc "all wired up" for the EEG

The neurologist made a late appearance last evening and reviewed the EEG results with us. The EEG was concerning because there seemed to be an indication of a possible "status elepticus" or continuous seizures which are very serious. He ordered a repeat EEG this morning. Fortunately, after studying both EEGs it was determined that the abnormal waveforms were PLEDS (Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges) which are not as alarming. Marc will need to continue to be on antiseizure medications and have frequent monitoring of the medication levels. The good news is that the confusion and aphasia that occurred were a postictal (after seizure) condition and not the result of tumor regrowth.

We spent the day waiting on the neurologist to come in and review the EEG with us. It was a long day indeed. We had been told that if everything looked OK on today's EEG that Marc would be discharged today. The neurologist finally got there at about 6 pm. Then we had to wait on the admitting Dr. to come in to write the discharge orders. All said and done, we didn't get home until 8:30 pm.

The radiation was again rescheduled to start tomorrow and will continue 5 days a week for 7 weeks. Tomorrow is a "trial run" just to make sure that the targeted radiation is set up correctly and the actual treatment will begin on Friday. He will start the chemotherapy on Friday and take it daily until the radiation is completed. Thank goodness we have good insurance as 20 capsules of the chemotherapy retails for $5863.00; that made the $30 co-pay seem like peanuts.

We will be continuing speech therapy and increasing the frequency of the visits as Marc lost some ground there. He had improved so much prior to this last episode that they had cut back the sessions to once a week. Although his expressive aphasia has improved some since this admission he feels like he is back to square one.

Marc continues to have a wonderful attitude and says that he will beat this thing. He gets frustrated but that is understandable. I can't imagine how he feels going from independence to relying on me to drive him to his appointments, set up his medications, remind him to take the medications, etc. I just know that I am very proud of him and so thankful that he has the great determination and drive to overcome this illness.

I will post again next week after a few treatment have been completed. Please continue to keep Marc in your thoughts and prayers.


Jill said...

Glad you are home again....and yes what a blessing to have your family and friends....sorry tho that you are having to go thru all of this....but we know you are strong and determined to beat this and that is 99% of getting well....we love you all so much and you are always in our prayers and thoughts...and PS I guess Steve was worn out from his hunting trip so decided to take over the bed HEEEEE! So good job Steve on taking home your tropy buck and doe.... love to all, your Sis Jill and Byron

sillyrobb said...

dustydogYo alien, what planet are you from. Hope you weren't having any naughty thoughts while they were doing the EEG. You know now they can ready your mind, so keep it out of the gutter. HA HA Our thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. Love you lots. BE TUFF. or is that the DODGE commerical. Love Doug & Silly